To help you knock out a great senior session I have put together a few tips/tricks to plan for and consider as your session approaches.
You are allowed wardrobe changes during your session. My rule of thumb is one change per session hour. One change for one hour session; two changes for two hour session, etc.
Make sure clothes chosen are relatively quick and easy to get in and out of. We might be walking around quite a bit so the ability to be portable and change on the fly will be a time saver.
Choose clothes that fit your personality. Don't try and wear something that you wouldn't normally wear.
Dress in layers this will add dimension. This also helps to have a base look when changing blouses/shirts as we walk around.
Be prepared there may not be a restroom for you to change in.
Don't hesitate to bring jackets, sweaters.
Make sure to avoid busy patterns and lines.
Select colors that compliment your skin tone and eyes.
Bring different colored shirts (guys) tops and/or dresses (girls).
Wear clothes with different necklines
Wear accessories if you wear them. (Hats, jewelry, watches, earrings, etc).
Don't be afraid to visit second hand shops to find something new that you'd like.
Watch the weather and dress accordingly. No need to wear heavy layers on a warm and humid day.
Bring water to stay hydrated. You will be smiling, walking and talking quite a bit. Do this no matter the season.
Bring the following items
something to snack on. Especially if you, or your parent are prone to drops in blood sugars.
a brush/comb.
hair product (Palmade, hairspray, barrettes, etc).
lip gloss (ladies) and chap stick (men).
make-up to touch up as the session goes along.
Walk around the locations you'd like to have your session done at especially during the time of your session.
Make sure to ask neighbors for permission if you like to use their property for your session.
Don't be afraid to visit Pinterest for inspiration. Make sure to share your ideas and poses with me.
This is better said than done, but try not to be nervous. I will do my best to make sure you HAVE FUN. Being as relaxed as you can will make for some great finished images.